June 1, 2024 - Electric Energy Solution Provider
Company name Product or service
Company Profile:

Albarrie GeoComposites Limited
85 Morrow Road
Barrie, Ontario
Canada, L4N 3V7
Tel.: 705-737-0551
Toll free: 866-269-8275
Web site: www.albarrie.com

Don't Let Transformer Oil Leaks Cost You
An oil spill or leak from your transformer can be devastating for your reputation and cost thousands of dollars in remediation. Albarrie's SorbWeb Plus™ secondary oil containment system is a patented solution that offers continuous protection against such incidents around oil-filled equipment. We provide customized containment designs that meet your site specifications.

Our smart fabric technology is self-sealing and requires minimal maintenance, which eliminates water collection and saves you a significant amount of money on installation and operation.

Discover how you can effectively manage the impact of transformer oil leaks with the innovative and reliable SorbWeb Plus™ Secondary Oil Containment System from Albarrie.

Products or services
Last Update 2023